Thursday 27 September 2012

Deconstructing Magazine Covers 3/3

MASTHEAD - The main image is slightly covering the masthead, yet the full name is still visible. The white text on red background is the same as the previous 'Q' magazine, enabling the text on the masthead to stand out. On all three of the magazine covers which I have analysed, the logos/masthead have all been in capital letters, enabling the masthead to stand out and attract the reader's attention.

MAIN IMAGE - The main image links to the sub-heading, which says 'Band of the Year'. Brandon Flowers, the lead singer from The Killers, is sitting on a throne, holding a crown in his hand. This links to the sub-heading as they are the band which have risen triumphant over the others, and hence deserve to wear the 'crown' and earn the title of 'Band of the Year'.

SELL LINES - The sell lines for this magazine are comprised of text only, scattered around the main image. There is also a list of the other artists included in this issue of the magazine, which are not technically sell lines, but still help to advertise the magazine, as if someone does not like The Killers, or the artist(s) displayed on the front of the cover, they may still buy the magazine providing they can see that another artist they are interested in is included in the magazine.

COLOURS/FONTS - The colours are very cleverly used to, once again, highlight this sense of accomplishment for the band on the main cover. The very dark backdrop enables the focus to be directed away from there. The lights focusing on the lead singer and the throne is able to direct the reader's attention towards there instead, showing that the band is the main focal point, and holds the attention over the other artists mentioned.

SUBHEADINGS - The only subheading that may be classified as a subheading is 'Band of the Year', even though this may be classed as part of the headline. This is incredibly useful for readers who like The Killers, and want to find out why they are featured on the main cover. They will look down and see that they are 'Band of the Year' and will purchase the magazine to find out more information about how/why they have been presented with this prestigious title.

1 comment:

  1. Michael

    You have produced three very good cover deconstructions, making reference to key features of magazine covers and discussing each of these in turn. You have also mentioned the connotations of the images used, and analysed the appeal of the covers to their target audience. Key terminology has been used throughout. Well done.

