Tuesday 5 February 2013

Colour Palette

This is a colour pallette which I will use to help create my magazine. I decided to sample the three main colours which I will feature in my magazine, as well as any additional colours that I think would work well in my magazine based on the other colours chosen.

Colour 1 is the darkest of the four, and almost appears slightly maroon rather than red. This may have a darker but still effective impact on the magazine. Since I am using this colour predominantly as the masthead background and as any emphasised text, I would like the colour to be fairly vibrant. This colour may work well as a masthead design, however I do not think it would pull off the desired effect of highlighting the masthead, and would simply 'blend in' with the rest of the dark main cover.

Colour 2 is a tad lighter than Colour 1, and is also a stronger, more rich shade of red. This would achieve the desired effect of emphasising the masthead because of it's brighter shade, but would also stand out because of it's rich, strong colour against the comparatively dark main cover design.

Colour 3 is even lighter than Colour 2, and does not contain the richness that was present in the first two shades of red. Because of this, I do not think that this would be a sensible choice of colour to use for the masthead design, however I may incorporate this colour in other parts of my magazine where I do not desire the item I use it on to be the main focus (such as the main article, contents page etc.) and use aforementioned colours when I do.

Finally, Colour 4 is the lightest of all four shades of red. In my opinion, this would be the least sensible option to choose for the masthead design due to it's the low impact it would have on the reader. It is so light that it would have minimum/no impact on the reader at all if it were used on the masthead. Because the main cover design is going to be very dark, having a predominantly bright colour on the masthead would draw the overall focus to that, rather than the cover as a whole.

While all shades of red are optimum to be used in the masthead design, I believe that number 2 is the best because of the fact that even though it is bright, it is rich and deep, balancing out the colours on the rest of the page. Should colour 4 be used, I believe that it would look more 'out-of-place' rather than achieving a desired effect through a contrast of colours.


For Black, which was one of the other colours I wanted to use in my magazine for the black/red/white colour scheme, I sampled four different shades. One of these (colour 5) was pure black, with the rest (6, 7 and 8) moving further towards grey. After reviewing the colours, it seems like colour 5, the pure black, would be the shade that I would use the most often, considering it is the richest colour out of colours 5-8. I may use colour 6 as an alternative background if I do not want to use a pure black background for one reason or another. Other than that, I cannot think of any instances where I would use any other colour than pure black.


I decided to test out the colour yellow, as this is not a part of my main colour scheme of red/black/white, but I decided that I may need to use it at some point to highlight an out-of-place feature (such as an advertisement). Since this would not be a part of the 'theme' of the magazine overall, I may need to include a certain colour to emphasise that fact, yet still maintain key colours to ensure it is not an eyesore on the magazine.

Were I to use colour 9, a darker shade of yellow, I believe that this would not stand out as much as I would like it to; however, using colour 10 (which is also pure yellow) appears to be the best opinion. Pure yellow would stand out well within the magazine, especially on a black background, which I plan to have a lot of, especially on the contents page. Since this is where the advertisement is traditionally located, using pure yellow on this page would not seem out-of-place considering there would likely only be one instance on the page, and multiple instances of a dark background, which would mean the two colours would balance each other.

The other two shades of yellow would not have the same impact than if they were to be used within the magazine against a dark background. Because of this, I believe that using the brightest shade of yellow (colour 10) against a dark background would have the maximum potential and effect for the text used.


Finally, I decided that only pure white would work well in my magazine and changing the shade to a grey would not have the desired effect. There aren't too many different ways in which I can implement the colour white into my magazine other than the colour white itself.

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