Wednesday 20 March 2013

Final Cover Design

In this cover, I decided to take the initial modified version of my main image and see how it would look. In my opinion, this does not look very good, as predicted. The effect I tried to achieve by changing the brightness does not look very realistic or professional at all. I have also changed the main sell line and small description to coincide with this change, with the extra description also looking particularly poor.

I removed the initial changed cover and replaced it with the other modified copy. This, in my opinion, works much better than the previous image. I have also added a long list of bands which feature within the magazine on the left side of the page, following the conventions of typical magazine covers. In addition, I have also added a yellow sell line to the left side of the page, which interlinks one of the subject's arms to give the cover a sense of depth. I finally added a drop shadow to the main sell line to emphasise this sense of depth, as well as adding an outer glow to the small description underneath, drawing the potential reader's attention towards that particular part of the image.

In this version, I added a dark effect to the lower half of the image to make the upper half of the image clearly the focus point of the cover, and make the descriptions and text on the lower half of the page stand out even further. I also added a black/transparent radial gradient effect behind the two sell lines on the top-right hand side of the page to make those stand out, as well as making the background of empty space on the image less noticeable.

The final change to my magazine was removing the yellow sell line from behind the subject's arm, as I felt that it did not particularly look effective, and made the text, overall, harder to read. I think this final version looks very professional, and fits with all of the major key conventions of a traditional magazine cover.

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