Monday 7 January 2013

Photoshoot Planning

1. What emotional impact do you want your photography do have upon the reader? How?
As for the emotional impact of the images, I wish to create a confident impact with the images present within my magazine. This will need to be apparent especially on the main cover of the magazine, as this will usually be the first image people see when they take a look at my magazine. Because of this, the image itself needs to have a strong impact so that the potential reader is drawn into the magazine. On the cover of magazines, it usually conveys a strong mood such as power or courage, moods that the readers do not typically associate with the artist in question. In this case, the mood I would be aiming for is confident, courageous and victorious. To capture this emotion, I would need to have a bright image with the subject in a confident/courageous stance.

2. What personnel do you need? Who are you going to photograph?
I am planning to use myself and friends in the photographs, with each of us taking it in turns to photograph one another.

3. What props will you need?
Possibly a bottle of alcohol, to demonstrate a 'relaxed' and 'casual' attitude, to link to the similar attitudes of the subjects, which has also been demonstrated in such magazines like NME.

4. How are you going to emphasise colour?
Colour will play an important role in the images, with bright, strong colours being key to achieve the desired theme of the images. Because of this, I will take the images in the day or early morning to give a sense of victory and show that the subjects are stand-outs in the music industry.

5. Have you briefed your personnel/photographer? 
Yes, verbal communication has been had between us and we are all fine with the photoshoot.

6. What lighting will you need? Any other equipment?
I only plan on using natural lighting for the photoshoot and do not plan on bringing in artificial lighting. I may also digitally darken/lighten areas of the image (using Photoshop) to achieve the desired effect that I am aiming for within the image.

7. Where will you shoot? Will you need a backdrop?
I will be shooting the photographs on a large field near to where I live. This will allow me to obtain a number of natural looking shots which links with the idea of the article being that the artist in question is fresh and new, much like the environment which the photographs are taken in. Because of this, there will be no backdrop needed for the photographs.

8. Make-up? Costume?
There will be no make up involved. As for costumes, the only main costumes used will be natural clothing, as found in many magazines. This portrays a relaxed and casual attitude towards the subjects of the article which help to relate them to the reader, and allows the reader to connect to them. The colours will be strong colours such as red and blue, to stand out against the bright background, implying the artists stand out among the competition.

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