Saturday 3 November 2012

Preliminary Task Flat Plans

Below are my preliminary task flat plan designs, which will guide me through the design process of creating my preliminary task (which involves creating a college magazine front cover and contents page based on the research I have carried out).
 This contents page is a flat plan design for my preliminary task front cover. I have followed conventional designs for a front cover, by including a main image, 3-4 sell lines, a main sell line, a subheading and extra images which coincide with the smaller sell lines, and of course the masthead at the top of the page. With these conventions in place, I believe this will be an effective cover in terms of the content, yet the layout may let it down, as it appears very linear and uninteresting.
For the contents page, I decided to follow the conventions again, including the masthead, the term 'contents page' at the top of the page, as well as 1-2 images and some text about certain articles. On the right of the page, I have traditionally included the table of contents which will give a detailed rundown about the upcoming contents of the magazine. In my opinion, this contents page is very effective, including the layout, however the lack of images may let it down.

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