Monday 5 May 2014

Recreation Flatplans

For my new cover, I decided to adopt a similar design to my previous one, focusing on having the masthead at the very top of the page, the main image prominently to the right of the layout, and everything else structured around this location. I decided to make the main sell line much more prominent this time, as I felt that the main sell line on my previous design did not stand out enough to appeal to the target audience, who I feel would not be instantly drawn towards the design.

For my contents page design, I decided to go for a very linear, structured and information-heavy design instead of the far more simplistic approach I took to my previous design. In my opinion, this design appears to hold a lot of information, but I feel this is necessary for a contents page, and a lack of information may detract from the overall look of the contents page (which I believe was the case with my previous design). I did, however, layout the information in a structured fashion so it still appears organised and won't appear too overcrowded.

Regarding my Double-Page Spread, I once again adopted the simplistic approach of having an image on the left-hand side and the article on the right-hand side. For this design though, I intend for the image to stretch across both pages, thus blending the two pages together in some way, a key convention which my previous design did not have, making the design feel very segregated and unnatural. As to not overcomplicate the article, I will be featuring the article title largely at the top of the page, followed by a short description underneath, meaning that the page does not appear unwelcoming because of a long article.

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